Carlie Fairty!
We are starting the EFO 'Rider of the Month' for 2020 off with a bang!
This young rider, was nominated for the EFO ROM program and we are so happy that she was. She has seen success in both the hunter and jumper rings. Working hard for her goals and riding her heart out every time she sets foot in the ring, Carlie is ready to take the international rings on this year. You can definitely expected to see some big things from her in the next few years.
Continue reading to learn more about this fabulous woman and rider.
EFO 20 Questions with Claire Fairty
- How did you enter the Equestrian Industry?
My parents surprised my siblings and I with two ponies and a donkey one Christmas when we were young. I have loved them ever since.
- What is your first memory you have with horses?
As a family, we used to take the horses to local fairs with boots and saddles to do all the pony games. Was a LOT of fun.
- Would you like to see yourself become a professional in the equestrian industry?
I am still riding as an amateur but, can definitely see myself continuing on in the industry to become a professional.
- What does an average day look like for you?
I care for my own horses, so I have morning chores. I normally try to ride before the heat and before I have to head out to work at the Fairgreen sod farms. After work, I then head back to the horses at around 4:30 to do night chores. I also try to fit in an hour of working out five days a week.
- What are the most common challenges you face (outside of physically riding)?
I would say I struggle with time management. I try to make a plan every night for the next day so I can get everything done and have a checklist to go off of but, everything seems to take longer than planned.
- Do you have any suggestions for young riders aspiring to become professional riders?
My advice would be to ride as much as you can. Challenge yourself. Make sure you have a good relationship with your horse and try to surround yourself with people that want you to succeed.

- What are some of the most common challenges you face with your riding?
I ride a lot at home alone, so I need to ensure that I concentrate on basics and come up with exercises that I think will help my horse and I in the ring.
- If you could spend a day doing a different sport, what would it be and why?
Most likely, Basketball. I played a lot when I was in school and still go to play the odd day at our local park.
- If you weren’t in the Equestrian Industry, what do you think you would be doing instead and why? (career wise)
I am still figuring out my path in the equestrian industry, but flowers have always been a passion of mine. So, I guess my plan B would be to open a flower shop!
- What accomplishment are you most proud of within the Equestrian Industry? (Does not have to be show related)
I have had a few highlights in the ring. Amateur owner champion in the hunters one year, going on to represent Canada at young riders and quite a few wins in the amateur jumper classes. Recently, I was able to ride in the international ring at Spruce Meadows for the U25 final. It is an amazing ring and I hope to be back there one day. I am also proud that I am able to keep my horses at home with me while also keeping them at a show fitness level. It is a lot of work but pays off when the results come.

- The most memorable horse which you have owned or ridden is _____ and why?
I have had a few very special horses. The most memorable however would be, Lady Plane and Ecuador W. Lady Plane and I started in the 1.20s and went onto young rider the following year. She got me into the bigger classes quite quickly and then came Ecuador. Ecuador helped me get to show in the U25 finals across Canada and the United States. Currently, we are doing some international classes together!
- What is the one thing you can never go to a horse-show without? (i.e. lucky socks)
I don’t have any lucky items. I try not to think about that sort of stuff but, I do normally give my horse a pat before we start our round to try to get them to relax. So, I guess we can count that!
- Do you have any horse-show rituals? (other than getting Tim’s at 4am)
I don’t have a ritual. I just try to stay calm and focused, with my horse in the same mindset.

- What is your favourite post-horseshow thing to do? (i.e. relax with a glass of wine, unpack the trailer etc.)
Once my horses are at home, I like to give them a lot of time out in the field. Giving them a chance to unwind and relax. I’ll unpack the trailer for a bit before I let them in and head home for some quality time with my boyfriend Colin and our cat Loki. Though I normally am sleeping by 9pm after a long week of showing.
- Does your horse have a favourite treat? If so, what is it?
I like feeding treats, but I try to feed them natural things like carrots, apples and peanuts. The peanuts are weird but, a nutritionist suggested I feed them and the horses seem to enjoy them!
- What do you like to do when you manage to get some time off and away from the barn?
I don’t get much time off from the barn since my horses live at home. The odd time we get the weekend off, we head to the cottage and spend time with family and friends.

- Describe your dream vacation (does not have to be horse related)
Dream vacation would be somewhere warm with a beach and an amusement park of some sort close by. I like to stay active.
- What are you most grateful for at your barn?
I am very grateful to have my own barn. I really like having my horses at home and my mom, dad and Colin are very helpful for numerous day-to-day items like fixing things, doing night-check or helping me jump school. I am very lucky to have a supportive team behind me.
- Describe the funniest wardrobe malfunction that you have had when riding?
Luckily, I haven’t had many wardrobe malfunctions. Normally, the worst is my fly coming down or my hair coming loose from my helmet while I am in the ring.
- What is your go-to late night snack?
Ice cream! Ben & Jerry’s or cold stone!
Would you rather… (bold one)
Be forced to show in paddock boots and polos or Hunter rain boots?
Show in a sleeveless shirt or a bright neon green show coat?
Fall in the warm-up ring or go into the ring with a very mud covered horse?
Split your breeches in the ring or have your reins break mid-course?
Have your horse refuse a jump or not even make it down the shoot?
Swim in the ocean with your horse or travel the mountains via horseback?
Both, but most likely mountains!
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to sit down with us for this interview Carlie! We wish you the best of luck for the coming show season and your continued success with your horses in the international rings.
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