- How did you enter the Equestrian Industry?
I got introduced to Equestrian long before I could walk by my parents.
- What is your first memory you have with horses?
Oh boy, this is a hard one, but one I defiantly remember is when I tried to sneak along the fence to see the new baby foal and got kicked right in the butt cheek then ran back to the house. Lol
- Did you always know that you would be working with horses as a profession?
Hard, YES, I love horses.
- What does an average day look like for you?
6am- Gym, 9am-5pm at the barn riding 4-6 Horses with a few lessons.
- What are the most common challenges you face?
Balancing horses and normal everyday chores.
- Do you have any suggestions for young riders aspiring to become professional riders?
We all have bad days, but it takes the right mind set to see the good with in those days J
- What are some of the most common challenges you face with your riding?
Being straight, ever since I broke my shoulder my arm just doesn’t feel on right.
- If you could spend a day doing a different sport, what would it be and why?
I would golf, I enjoy being outside and a good challenge.
- If you weren’t in the Equestrian Industry, what do you think you would be doing instead and why? (career wise)
I ask myself this all the time, and I’m not really sure, but my husband says I would make a good engineer.
- What accomplishment are you most proud of within the Equestrian Industry? (Does not have to be show related)
I’m proud that I get to spend every day with horses.
- The most memorable horse which you have owned or ridden is Tom Tom and why?
He was the first horse that got me over a 1.60m course.
- What is the one thing you can never go to a horse-show without? (i.e. lucky socks)
Sunglasses, can’t do without them
- Do you have any horse-show rituals? (other than getting Tim’s at 4am)
Horses come first.
- What is your favourite post-horseshow thing to do? (i.e. relax with a glass of wine, unpack the trailer etc.)
Wine and a good movie.
- Does your horse have a favourite treat? If so, what is it?
My horses love sugar cubes!
- What do you like to do when you manage to get some time off and away from the barn?
I like hanging out at my house doing yard work and gardening.
- Describe your dream vacation (does not have to be horse related)
On a beach with a margarita.
- What are you most grateful for at your barn?
My family, I get to see them every day
- Describe the funniest wardrobe malfunction that you have had when riding?
Packed my dads helmet and had to buy a winter headband from EFO so it would fit.
- What is your go-to late night snack?
Chocolate covered digestive cookies…