Power up your performance with our full line of support products
MANE MENDER-a blend of clinically proven oils to prevent breakage and protect the hair from bathing, pulling and braiding
BELFAST BREW-a powerful liniment containing our signature herb infusion and Mahanarayan oil for tight and sore muscles, before or after classes.
PONY-PUFFED COAT CONDITIONER-protects the skin and hair from bathing and dry and heated indoor facilities. Multiple scents to choose from!
HEELIN' HOOF- ultimate protection against softening from bathing and exposure to opportunistic bacteria! leaves a natural shine for days and fully breathable!
FORTRIX CYTO-PASTE- a medicated poultice that does not test! a definite must-have for any competitors tack box! Draws out heat and tightens up those overloading soft tissue structures while delivering maximum absorbency of Tendoguard through the transdermal magnesium oil. Use on legs, feet and body.
KOLLAGEN KONNECT- contains a highly bioavailable collagen known as Kollagen II xs. Its combined with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and many other clinically significant ingredients for maximum tissue penetration. This topical powerhouse can be used to spot treat weak soft tissue or used as an acute treatment after injury.
Lifestyle Management for Performance and Wellness Intelligence